Buying A New Car

There are many things that you must consider when buying a new car. Most will have to do with the car itself such as what model to buy- the options you want to add- and the price of the car. However there is one thing that it always pays to check out first- and that is- who are you buying the car from.


Car insurance companies prefer lady drivers to their gentlemen counterparts because they are considered as much less risky drivers.It is not that the accident rates of ladies are low. They face as many accidents as males do


Is it time to get a new car? Do you want to purchase a new car to replace your current worn down vehicle? If yes is your answer- then you might want to think about your purchase and getting a loan for your new investment


America has become a culture of cars-SUV's- minivans and sports coupes. With all this traveling in and out- back and forth around the maze that is the United States infrastructure


If you do have an accident with the outside or the inside of the car - you may have to pay for the cost. You will also only be allowed to put on so many miles in your lease period. This is hard for many people that do drive a lot

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Kiat untuk Memupuk Cinta Kepada Rasulullah

Dalam bukunya yang berjudul Yakinlah Dosa Pasti Diampuni Dr. Aidh Abdullah Al-Qarni menjelaskan bahwa..ada tiga cara untuk memupuk cinta kepada Baginda Rasulullah.
1) Meresapi anugerah diutusnya Nabi Muhammad s.a.w kepada kita. Sebab, dahulu kita berada dalam kajahiliyahan yang sesat. sebelum Rasulullah s.a.w diutus, orang - orang arab lebih hina dibanding kumbang yang berguling - guling diatas kotoran. Ketika mengutus Nabi yang mulia dan Ummi ini, Allah mengangkat panji islam dan meninggikan harga diri orang Arab. Dengan demikian, ketika mengingat kebaikan - kebaikan Rasulullah s.a.w, Anda pasti bisa akan mencintainya dengan tulus.
2)Mengkaji sejarah hidup Rasulullah s.a.w melalui al -Quran, hadis, praktis, dalam hati anda akan timbul pengakuan bahwa dia merupakan manusia yang paling mulia, paling agung, serta paling penyayang. Dengan demikian anda akan mencintainya. Ketika Anda menelaah setiap bab dalam fiqih, baik berupa ibadah maupun muamalah, Anda pasti mendapatkan kemudahan serta kelapangan dalam perjalanan hidup Rasulullah s.a.w.
3)Menyadari bahwa ibadah hanya akan sempurna dengan mencintai Rasulullah s.a.w. Orang yang tidak menyempurnakan rasa cinta kepada Rasulullah s.a.w. dan tidak mengikuti perilakunya, berarti ibadahnya tidak sempurna.